

Usability Guidance

  • Use plain language when writing headlines and descriptions.
  • Avoid technical language, acronyms or jargon people don’t understand.
  • Front-load the first 2 words of your headlines for easy eye scanning.
  • Limit headlines to one phrase or 2 lines – there is a maximum character limit.
  • Use original images rather than stock images to maintain credibility and trust among your users.

Code Guidance

Tile Section

  • Use the <section> element to denote your tile section within the base ucla campus grid in the body of your page.
  • To set the desired number of columns, add a modifier to the component at the same level as the tile__section class. Up to four columns are supported, using tile__section--col-1, tile__section--col-2, tile__section--col-3 and tile__section--col-4 classes.
  • The tiles will be left-aligned by default. To center align, use the modifier class tile__section--centered at the same level as tile__section.


  • A tile’s background will be solid blue by default and should be used on light backgrounds. For background image variations, add a background modifier class to the stylesheet and at the same level as the tile__background class.
    • Some examples of modifier classes include: tile__background--royce, tile__background--students and tile__background--events.

Accessibility Requirements

  • Link the tile’s headline, heading or title to provide the most succinct description to screen readers and search engines. Both technologies use links to understand and navigate document structure.
  • Avoid using generic headlines like “read more” or “view details”.
  • For tiles with background images set, write alternative text and place it in the aria-label attribute.
  • Only use one link per tile.
  • Avoid using multiple tiles in a row that direct to the same link destination.
  • Avoid relying on the background image to convey important information. The user should be able to have the same experience with or without the image.

Further Reading


Basic Post Tiles Anatomy Image - Mobile
Basic Tile Anatomy - Mobile
Basic Post Tiles Anatomy Image - Desktop
Basic Tile Anatomy - Desktop
  1. Tile Label (required)
  2. Gold Bar (required)
  3. Container (required)
  4. Photo (Required)


Basic Post Tiles States Image
Basic Tile States - Mobile
Basic Post Tiles States Image
Basic Tile States - Desktop


Basic Post Tiles Specs Image
Basic Tile Specs - Mobile
Basic Post Tiles Specs Image
Basic Tile Specs - Desktop


<h1 class="pb-24">Basic Tile Variants</h1>

<h2 class="pb-12">Left-Aligned</h2>

<h3 class="pb-12">One Column</h3>
<div class="ucla campus">
  <section class="tile__section tile__section--col-1">
    <span class="tile tile__background">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>

<h3 class="pt-24 pb-12">Two Columns</h3>
<div class="ucla campus">
  <section class="tile__section tile__section--col-2">
    <span class="tile tile__background">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>
    <span class="tile tile__background tile__background--royce" aria-label="Royce Hall">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>

<h3 class="pt-24 pb-12">Three Columns</h3>
<div class="ucla campus">
  <section class="tile__section tile__section--col-3">
    <span class="tile tile__background">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>
    <span class="tile tile__background tile__background--royce" aria-label="Royce Hall">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>
    <span class="tile tile__background tile__background--students" aria-label="Students smiling on campus">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>

<h3 class="pt-24 pb-12">Four Columns</h3>
<div class="ucla campus">
  <section class="tile__section tile__section--col-4">
    <span class="tile tile__background">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>
    <span class="tile tile__background tile__background--royce" aria-label="Royce Hall">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>
    <span class="tile tile__background tile__background--students" aria-label="Students smiling on campus">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>
    <span class="tile tile__background tile__background--events" aria-label="A student ringing the Victory Bell">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>

<h2 class="pt-64 pb-12">Center-Aligned</h2>

<h3 class="pb-12">One Column - Centered</h3>
<div class="ucla campus">
  <section class="tile__section tile__section--col-1 tile__section--centered">
    <span class="tile tile__background">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>

<h3 class="pt-24 pb-12">Two Columns - Centered</h3>
<div class="ucla campus">
  <section class="tile__section tile__section--col-2 tile__section--centered">
    <span class="tile tile__background">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>
    <span class="tile tile__background tile__background--royce" aria-label="Royce Hall">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>

<h3 class="pt-24 pb-12">Three Columns - Centered</h3>
<div class="ucla campus">
  <section class="tile__section tile__section--col-3 tile__section--centered">
    <span class="tile tile__background">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>
    <span class="tile tile__background tile__background--royce" aria-label="Royce Hall">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>
    <span class="tile tile__background tile__background--students" aria-label="Students smiling on campus">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>

<h3 class="pt-24 pb-12">Four Columns - Centered</h3>
<div class="ucla campus">
  <section class="tile__section tile__section--col-4 tile__section--centered">
    <span class="tile tile__background">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>
    <span class="tile tile__background tile__background--royce" aria-label="Royce Hall">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>
    <span class="tile tile__background tile__background--students" aria-label="Students smiling on campus">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>
    <span class="tile tile__background tile__background--events" aria-label="A student ringing the Victory Bell">
      <a class="tile__link" href="#">
        <h3 class="tile__title">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;sit&nbsp;amet</h3>