
Notify users of an important change or new piece of information


Usability Guidance

  • Use alerts to validate steps taken by users or denote a system change.
  • Use alerts sparingly. Show one at a time to avoid overwhelming users.
  • Be polite and encouraging, and inform users how to respond to or fix a problem.

Code Guidance

  • Be sure to include the default “alert” classname additional to a specific “alert” classname. This will allow the element to inherit default alert styles.
  • Alerts will take the full width of the container.
  • Adding the “inline-block” classname to an alert element will allow for usage of an alert element that only takes the width of the text content of the alert.

Accessibility Requirements

  • Design alerts to visually contrast with surrounding content.
  • Use a high-contrast outline or background color and an icon for high visibility.
  • Use the ARIA role="alert" to notify assistive technology of time-sensitive information.

Further Reading

Primary Alert


Primary Alert Anatomy Image
  1. Alert Copy (required)
  2. Container (required)


Primary Alert Specs Image


<figure class="alert alert--primary" role="alert">
  <figcaption>A simple primary alert-check it out!</figcaption>

<figure class="alert alert--primary inline-block" role="alert">
  <figcaption>A simple primary alert-check it out!</figcaption>

Secondary Alert


Secondary Alert Anatomy Image
  1. Alert Copy (required)
  2. Container (required)


Secondary Alerts Specs Image


<figure class="alert alert--secondary" role="alert">
  <figcaption>A simple secondary alert-check it out!</figcaption>

<figure class="alert alert--secondary inline-block" role="alert">
  <figcaption>A simple secondary alert-check it out!</figcaption>

Success Alert


Success Alert Anatomy Image
  1. Alert Copy (required)
  2. Success Icon (required)
  3. Container (required)


Success Alert Specs Image


<figure class="alert alert--success" role="alert">
  <img src="/img/icons/success-green.svg" alt="success">
  <figcaption>A simple success alert-check it out!</figcaption>

<figure class="alert alert--success inline-block" role="alert">
  <img src="/img/icons/success-green.svg" alt="success">
  <figcaption>A simple success alert-check it out!</figcaption>

Error Alert


Error Alert Anatomy Image
  1. Alert Copy (required)
  2. Error Icon (required)
  3. Container (required)


Error Alert Specs Image


<figure class="alert alert--error" role="alert">
  <img src="/img/icons/error-red.svg" alt="error">
  <figcaption>A simple error alert-check it out!</figcaption>

<figure class="alert alert--error inline-block" role="alert">
  <img src="/img/icons/error-red.svg" alt="error">
  <figcaption>A simple error alert-check it out!</figcaption>

Warning Alert


Warning Alert Anatomy Image
  1. Alert Copy (required)
  2. Warning Icon (required)
  3. Container (required)


Warning Alert Specs Image


<figure class="alert alert--warning" role="alert">
  <img src="/img/icons/warning-orange.svg" alt="warning">
  <figcaption>A simple warning alert-check it out!</figcaption>

<figure class="alert alert--warning inline-block" role="alert">
  <img src="/img/icons/warning-orange.svg" alt="warning">
  <figcaption>A simple warning alert-check it out!</figcaption>