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We use an 8-point grid to define our spacing, meaning we use multiples of 8, from 4 to 80. We define dimensions, padding and margins of both block and inline elements. Individual elements are positioned relative to each other. Smaller components, such as iconography and typography, can align to a 4-point grid.

Spacing Class Structure

We created responsive margin and padding classes that use the following shorthand for values. These classes are built from a default Sass map in multiples of 8, ranging from 4 to 80, and support divs, paragraphs, and HTML5 elements.

Use this format: <p class="{property}{sides}-{breakpoint variable}-{size}">

Class Values

Property Sides Breakpoint Variable Size
“m” = Margin “t” = Top “xs” “4” = 4px
“p” = Padding “r” = Right “sm” “8” = 8px
“b” = Bottom “md” “12” = 12px
“l” = Left “lg” “16” = 16px
“x” = set both *-left and *-right “xs” “24” = 24px
“y” = set both *-top and *-bottom “32” = 32px
“64” = 64px
“80” = 80px

Class Examples

Class Example Spacing Size
“mb-4” {Margin}{Bottom}, All Screens, {4px}
“ml-xl-4” {Margin}{Left}, {Extra Large Screens Only}, {4px}
0 Margin on All Smaller Screens.
“pr-md-4” {Padding}{Right}, {Medium Screens and Above}, {4px}
0 Padding on All Smaller Screens.

Margin Use Example

<p class="mb-2">This sentence has 0.125rem (browser renders to 2px) of margin spacing below it</p>
<p class="mb-4">This sentence has 0.25rem (browser renders to 4px) of margin spacing below it</p>
<p class="mb-8">This sentence has 0.5rem (browser renders to 8px) of margin spacing below it</p>
<p class="mb-12">This sentence has 0.75rem (browser renders to 12px) of margin spacing below it</p>
<p class="mb-16">This sentence has 1rem (browser renders to 16px) of margin spacing below it</p>
<p class="mb-24">This sentence has 1.5rem (browser renders to 24px) of margin spacing below it</p>
<p class="mb-32">This sentence has 2rem (browser renders to 32px) of margin spacing below it</p>
<p class="mb-64">This sentence has 4rem (browser renders to 64px) of margin spacing below it</p>
<p class="mb-80">This sentence has 5rem (browser renders to 80px) of margin spacing below it</p>
<p class="mb-12 mb-md-36 mb-lg-72">This sentence has 12px of margin below it on small screens, 36px of margin on MEDIUM size screens and 72px on LARGE size screens.</p>

Padding Use Example

<h2 class="mt-24">Padding</h2>
<p class="pb-2">This sentence has 2px of padding spacing below it</p>
<p class="pb-4">This sentence has 4px of padding spacing below it</p>
<p class="pb-8">This sentence has 8px of padding spacing below it</p>
<p class="pb-12">This sentence has 12px of padding spacing below it</p>
<p class="pb-16">This sentence has 16px of padding spacing below it</p>
<p class="pb-24">This sentence has 24px of padding spacing below it</p>
<p class="pb-32">This sentence has 32px of padding spacing below it</p>
<p class="pb-64">This sentence has 64px of padding spacing below it</p>
<p class="pb-80">This sentence has 80px of padding spacing below it</p>
<p class="pl-md-32">This sentence has 32px of padding spacing to the left on medium screens and above.</p>

The Center Class

We have a class called “mx-auto” that horizontally centers fixed-width block-level content. If the content has display: block; and a set width, our class will set the horizontal margins to auto.

<h2 class="mt-24">Center</h2>
<div class="mt-32 mx-auto" style="width: 250px;">
  <p class="mb-12">Centered element with a margin top of 32px. First child paragraph has a margin bottom of 12px.</p>